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Fujitsu cedes 'iPad' trademark to Apple

Japan's Fujitsu has ceded rights to the "iPad" name to Apple, just in time for the tablet computer from the California company to hit US stores next month.

Google Glass may run with laser-projected keyboard

(—Just when you thought you could swing into 2013 without another report on Google Glass in-the-wings, this is the week your luck runs out. Ideas continue to fly regarding what could possibly be the ideal way to ...

Apple has solar designs, wins patents

( -- Apple recently won patents with the US Patent and Trademark office. These patents focus on ideas for using solar technology for laptops, smartphones and tablets. One such patent involves using sunlight to ...

New algorithm finds you, even in untagged photos

A new algorithm designed at the University of Toronto has the power to profoundly change the way we find photos among the billions on social media sites such as Facebook and Flickr. This month, the United States Patent and ...

Apple wins multi-touch and glass process patents

(—The US Patent and Trademark Office has published thirty-six patents granted for Apple. Patently Apple has highlighted two of those patents. One has to do with multi-touch displays. The multi-touch patent relates ...

Google has designs on flip-up wristwatch

(—While futurists have generally enthused about the coming age of wearable computing, showcase items among the top vendors have focused on prototypes for heads-up displays. Reactions have included disappointment ...

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