US toys in 2010 are 'green,' high-tech... and cheap

US toy makers are coming out of a long recession tunnel this year, hoping to ride the recovery wave with new lines of classic, "green" and high-tech toys, and a sales pitch centered on affordability.

Lego expands its universe with online game

Danish toy maker Lego is seeking to build a presence in the world of multiplayer online games with the release of a new videogame called Lego Universe.

Zynga partners with toy maker Hasbro

Old school toy maker Hasbro and online social game star Zynga on Thursday announced a partnership to mesh the Internet firm's hits with real-world products.

Target, Best Buy to match online prices at holidays

Target and other brick-and-mortar retailers are treating this holiday season as an offensive against online rivals such as, using tactics such as price-matching to win back dominance of the Christmas shopping season.