A new method for recycling plastics together

Recycling plastic faces several challenges, one of which is recycling different types of plastics together, because they have varying properties, each of which need to be addressed accordingly. Separating and treating each ...

Smithsonian scientists solve 'sudden death at sea' mystery

Mass strandings of whales have puzzled people since Aristotle. Modern-day strandings can be investigated and their causes, often human-related, identified. Events that happened millions of years ago, however, are far harder ...

Nanoparticles for controlled drug release

Scientists from CIC bioGUNE and the Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques (LCPO) in Bordeaux have jointly undertaken a project to develop "smart" nanoparticles. These polymeric particles act as "nanomissiles" against ...

Prions induce toxic huntingtin oligomers

Neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or Huntington's disease are characterized by the deposition of protein clumps, so-called protein aggregates, in the brains of patients. Even though disease-relevant ...

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