Scientists program proteins to pair exactly

Proteins have now been designed in the lab to zip together in much the same way that DNA molecules zip up to form a double helix. The technique, whose development was led by University of Washington School of Medicine scientists, ...

Sweden wants Norway's trash (and lots of it)

(—Sweden is hungry for trash and has turned to Norway for an offer it would find hard to refuse, no pun intended. Sweden is asking its neighbor for trash. Sweden's success is Sweden's problem. Sweden is a model ...

Brown University chemists simplify biodiesel conversion

As the United States seeks to lessen its reliance on foreign oil, biodiesel is expected to play a role. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, a branch of the Department of Energy, biodiesel "represents a ...

Physicists use hair fluorescence to repurpose human hair waste

Physicists from the National University of Singapore (NUS) have developed an innovative method of converting human hair waste into a functional material that can be used to encrypt sensitive information or detect environmental ...

Using photochemistry to separate plutonium and uranium

A team of researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory has developed a way to use photochemistry to separate plutonium and uranium—work that could make it easier to store nuclear waste. In their paper published in the ...

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