New topological metamaterial amplifies sound waves exponentially

Researchers at AMOLF, in collaboration with partners from Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, have realized a new type of metamaterial through which sound waves flow in an unprecedented fashion. It provides a novel form of ...

Scientists create novel approach to control energy waves in 4D

Everyday life involves the three dimensions (3D), along an X, Y and Z axis, or up and down, left and right, and forward and back. But in recent years scientists, like Guoliang Huang, the Huber and Helen Croft Chair in Engineering ...

Scientists discover exotic quantum state at room temperature

For the first time, physicists have observed novel quantum effects in a topological insulator at room temperature. This breakthrough, published as the cover article of the October issue of Nature Materials, came when Princeton ...

Exploring quantum electron highways with laser light

Topological insulators, or TIs, have two faces: Electrons flow freely along their surface edges, like cars on a superhighway, but can't flow through the interior of the material at all. It takes a special set of conditions ...

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