Related topics: children · bacteria

Making teeth tough: Beavers show way to improve our enamel

Beavers don't brush their teeth, and they don't drink fluoridated water, but a new Northwestern University study reports beavers do have protection against tooth decay built into the chemical structure of their teeth: iron.

Open wide and say 'zap'

A group of researchers in Australia and Taiwan has developed a new way to analyze the health of human teeth using lasers. As described in the latest issue of Optics Express,, by measuring how the surface of a tooth responds ...

Diamond X-rays used to discover tooth decay enzymes

Scientists using Diamond Light Source have made a breakthrough in the battle against tooth decay, with research published in the leading Journal of Molecular Biology (JMB) on 29 April 2011.

Hybrid composite for root canal treatment

( -- A dentist carrying out root canal treatment will need to use a variety of compounds. These do not always bond together properly and sometimes expensive follow-up treatment has to be performed. But a new class ...

Study shows Vikings in Sweden suffered from tooth decay

Vikings in Sweden suffered from painful dental issues and occasionally tried to treat them, according to a study published December 13, 2023, in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Carolina Bertilsson of the University of ...

Preventing, healing tooth decay with a bioactive peptide

Cavities, or dental caries, are the most widespread non-communicable disease globally, according to the World Health Organization. Having a cavity drilled and filled at the dentist's office can be painful, but untreated caries ...

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