Comparing canine brains using 3-D-endocast modelling

Based on digital endocranial cast models, the canine brain does not increase proportionally with body size. Researchers at ELTE Eötvös Loránd and Kaposvár University in Hungary reconstructed the surface morphology of ...

New method uses noise to make spectrometers more accurate

Optical spectrometers are instruments with a wide variety of uses. By measuring the intensity of light across different wavelengths, they can be used to image tissues or measure the chemical composition of everything from ...

Researchers glimpse how virus particles assemble inside the cell

An international team of researchers were able visualize how orthoreovirus assembles inside infected cells, using cryo-electron tomography at the Electron Bio-Imaging Center (eBIC) at Diamond Light Source, the UK's national ...

Programmable synthetic materials

Artificial molecules could one day form the information unit of a new type of computer or be the basis for programmable substances. The information would be encoded in the spatial arrangement of the individual atoms—similar ...

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