Complex fluid dynamics may explain hydroplaning

When a vehicle travels over a wet or flooded road, water builds up in front of the tire and generates a lift force. In a phenomenon known as hydroplaning, this force can become large enough to lift the vehicle off the ground.

Finding new uses for waste tires

Tires catapult our cars and trucks down the highway at speeds greater than 70 miles per hour, typically for at least 50,000 miles. They must grip the road even in wet and icy conditions. No wonder tires are difficult to recycle.

Synthetic rubber outperforms natural rubber

Natural rubber from rubber trees is a raw material with a limited supply. Synthetically produced rubber, on the other hand, has not yet been able to match the abrasion behavior of the natural product, rendering it unsuitable ...

Polymers pave way for wider use of recycled tires in asphalt

Each year, about 27 million tires end up in landfills, dumps and stockpiles, where they pose health and environmental hazards. These tires could get a second life as components of the roads they once traveled, but blends ...

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