Dual-polarization two-dimensional valley photonic crystals

The introduction of topology in photonic systems has attracted considerable attention not only for the elaborate molding of light but also for its practical applications in novel photonic devices. Originally, the quantum ...

Neutrons reveal the wild Weyl world of semimetals

The observation of an abnormal state of matter in a two-dimensional magnetic material is the latest development in the race to harness novel electronic properties for more robust and efficient next-generation devices.

Scientists create an 'optical conveyor belt' for quasiparticles

Using interference between two lasers, a research group led by scientists from RIKEN and NTT Research have created an "optical conveyor belt" that can move polaritons—a type of light-matter hybrid particle—in semiconductor-based ...

The building blocks for exploring new exotic states of matter

Topological insulators act as electrical insulators on the inside but conduct electricity along their surfaces. Researchers study some of these insulators' exotic behavior using an external magnetic field to force the ion ...

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