Physicist proves impossibility of quantum time crystals

( —Is it possible that a moving object could have zero energy? The common sense answer is no, since motion itself is kinetic energy, but this answer has been challenged recently by the concept of quantum time crystals. ...

Oldest discovery to date of physogastric insects

Trapped in tree resin and preserved as in a time capsule: fossils enclosed in amber yield detailed insights into the anatomy of long extinct species. LMU zoologists Prof. Joachim T. Haug and Dr. Carolin Haug have discovered ...

Is Vesuvius taking an extended siesta?

Located near Naples, Italy, Vesuvius last had a violent eruption in 1944, towards the end of the Second World War. It could be a few hundred years before another dangerous, explosive eruption occurs, finds a new study by ...

'Rosetta Stone' of supervolcanoes discovered in Italian Alps

Scientists have found the "Rosetta Stone" of supervolcanoes, those giant pockmarks in the Earth's surface produced by rare and massive explosive eruptions that rank among nature's most violent events. The eruptions produce ...

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