Related topics: extinction

Human-wildlife conflict in India: 1 human killed every day

A deadly conflict is underway between India's growing masses and its wildlife, confined to ever-shrinking forests and grasslands, with data showing that about one person has been killed every day for the past three years ...

Can't we all just get along—like India's cats and dogs?

A new WCS study in India shows that three carnivores—tigers, leopards, and dholes (Asian wild dog)—seemingly in direct competition with one other, are living side by side with surprisingly little conflict. Usually, big ...

Tracking project reveals roaming tiger sharks

THE sight of a shark's dorsal fin sticking out of the water usually strikes fear into the hearts of swimmers but for a group of WA researchers every time a tagged tiger shark's (Galeocerdo cuvier) dorsal fin stuck out of ...

China purrs over white tiger triplets

Three playful white Bengal tiger cubs are charming visitors as they clamber around their enclosure at a zoo in China.

Greenpeace says Barbie is forest vandal

Greenpeace on Wednesday accused Mattel, the US maker of Barbie dolls, of contributing to the wanton destruction of carbon-rich Indonesian forests and habitats of endangered species like Sumatran tigers.

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