X-rays reveal monolayer phase in organic semiconductor

A team of researchers from Russia, Germany, and France, featuring materials scientists from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, has investigated how the electrical properties of dihexyl-quarterthiophene thin films ...

Creating 'movies' of thin film growth

From paint on a wall to tinted car windows, thin films make up a wide variety of materials found in ordinary life. But thin films are also used to build some of today's most important technologies, such as computer chips ...

Ice-squeezed aquifers might create marsquakes

As the Mars InSight lander begins listening to the interior of Mars, some scientists are already proposing that some marsquakes could be signals of groundwater beneath the frozen surface of the Red Planet.

Quantum information gets a boost from thin-film breakthrough

Efforts to create reliable light-based quantum computing, quantum key distribution for cybersecurity, and other technologies got a boost from a new study demonstrating an innovative method for creating thin films to control ...

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