Related topics: nanometers · light

Mathematicians model heat flow in human tears

Mathematicians from the University of Delaware have created a new model of the fluid dynamics and heat flow in human tears. When people blink their eyes, a thin liquid film is spread across the surface of the eye.

Researchers demonstrate new MEMS dynamic rheometer (w/ Video)

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology have demonstrated a microminiaturized device that can make complex viscosity measurements -- critical data for a wide variety of fields dealing with things ...

Study brings us step closer to rollable, foldable e-devices

(—Research out this week from the University of Cincinnati brings industry and consumers closer to several improvements in e-Readers and tablets, including a simpler and more colorful way to make rollable and foldable ...

Highly sensitive sensors show promise in enhancing human touch

People rely on a highly tuned sense of touch to manipulate objects, but injuries to the skin and the simple act of wearing gloves can impair this ability. Surgeons, for example, find that gloves decrease their ability to ...

Mercury's crust likely made of magnesium-rich basalt

With both x-ray and gamma-ray spectrometers, the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry and Ranging probe (MESSENGER), which entered orbit around Mercury in 2011, is well equipped for carrying out a detailed compositional ...

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