Diamonds cutting environmental impact

Diamonds are known as a girl's best friend due to their splendid sparkle, but they are also held in very high regard by industrialists, who prize their unmatched density, excellent thermal conduction and other properties.

Improving light and heat spectra measurements

Whether you want to investigate objects in space, characterize the quality of light sources, optimize photovoltaics modules or analyze chemical compounds, measuring the spectrum of light- or heat sources is often the method ...

New energy technologies promise brighter future

In three studies published in the current issue of Technology and Innovation – Proceedings of the National Academy of Inventors, innovators unveil creative technologies that could change our sources of energy, change our ...

Research aircraft—Measuring atmospheric trace gases at 15K

GLORIA, the innovative imaging infrared spectrometer of Karls-ruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), will take part in the first atmospheric science mission of the new German HALO research aircraft from the Arctic to the Antarctic. ...

Evaluating the energy balance of Saturn's moon Titan

To understand the weather and climate on Earth as well as on other planets and their moons, scientists need to know the global energy balance, the balance between energy coming in from solar radiation and thermal energy radiated ...

GLORIA: Unique climate research experiment worldwide

Precise measurements of the atmosphere are indispensable for predictions of climate change and its impacts, as is currently being discussed at the climate change conference in Durban. A group of researchers from Julich and ...

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