Polymer power potential

The mantra 'reduce, reuse, recycle' is increasingly pertinent. Every year, vast amounts of energy that could be captured and reused are lost through waste heat. Now, A*STAR scientists have demonstrated, through theoretical ...

Bioconstruction: Beyond hempcrete

One of the common beliefs about bio-construction is that it is only for rich people. According to Mike Lawrence, Professor at the BRE CICM (Centre for Innovative Construction Materials), University of Bath, UK, this is a ...

Best for batteries: Not too hot, not too cold

(PhysOrg.com) -- Thermal management is crucial in the development of new car batteries; NREL's Large-Volume Calorimeter helps prepare for a surge in electric vehicles.

New model to predict the thermal performance of vegetal façades

After years of monitoring different experimental buildings, a group of researchers from the School of Architecture of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid has developed a model that can estimate the thermal performance of vegetal ...

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