NASA carbon sleuth gets simulated taste of space

( —A NASA observatory that will make the most precise, highest-resolution and most complete, space-based measurements of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere to date has marked a key milestone in preparation for ...

Heat pipes smash the mould in ceramics

Heat-pipe technology is fueling a new generation of low-energy, low-emissions kilns recasting Europe's world-leading ceramics industry into a model of sustainability.

THEMIS Mars camera celebrates a decade's discoveries

Ten years ago, on Feb. 19, 2002, the Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS), a multi-band camera on NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter, began scientific operations at the Red Planet. Since then the camera has circled Mars nearly ...

Mars Odyssey Orbiter is back in service

( -- NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter has resumed its science observations and its role as a Mars rover's relay, thanks to a spare part that had been waiting 11 years to be put to use.

Tackling greenhouse gases

The images are ubiquitous: A coastal town decimated by another powerful hurricane, satellite images showing shrinking polar ice caps, a school of dead fish floating on the surface of warming waters, swaths of land burnt by ...

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