Related topics: patients

New therapy could combat persistent joint infections in horses

A new therapy could combat persistent joint infections in horses, potentially saving them from years of pain. Morris Animal Foundation-funded researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a platelet-rich plasma ...

How do you weigh a single molecule?

Utrecht scientists have succeeded in measuring the mass of individual molecules. By modifying an existing mass spectrometer and developing special software, the researchers succeeded in making ultra-sensitive measurements. ...

Polymers to the rescue! Saving cells from damaging ice

Cell therapies hold great promise for revolutionizing the treatment of cancers and autoimmune diseases. But this multibillion-dollar industry requires long-term storage of cells at super-cold cryogenic conditions, while ensuring ...

Researchers plan DNA-based nanorobot for cancer diagnostics

A group of researchers from ITMO University has come up with the concept of a new drug against cancer: a nanorobot made of DNA fragments, which can potentially be used not only to destroy cancer cells, but also to locate ...

Turning up the heat on antibacterial-resistant diseases

Photothermal therapy (PTT) is a proposed treatment for diseases like antibacterial-resistant infections and cancer, but despite over a decade of research, scientists have been unable to find a safe and effective chemical ...

Iron nanorobots show their true mettle

Drug-coated iron nanowires that can be guided to the site of a tumor using an external magnetic field before activating a three-step cancer-killing mechanism could provide an effective option for cancer therapy.

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