Related topics: cern

DNA's double stranded stretch

(—Theoretical physicists like to play with very unconventional toys. Manoel Manghi from Toulouse University in France and his colleagues have adopted a seemingly playful approach to examining what happens to a ...

Banks' cash stash: No shield against bankruptcy

Imposing minimal capital levels for banks is like attempting to solve a complex jigsaw puzzle with a poorly fitting piece that could lead to even greater chaos.

UC Santa Barbara receives $65M from Munger

A physics institute at the University of California, Santa Barbara, has received a $65 million donation—the largest single gift in the university's history.

Magnetic whirls in confined spaces

In a close collaboration between experimental and theoretical physicists at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU), the research groups of Professor Mathias Kläui and Dr. Peter Virnau investigated the behavior of magnetic ...

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