Related topics: cern

Mid-twentieth-century physics in the home of Galileo

Florence was a flourishing center for fundamental physics research throughout most of the twentieth century. Roberto Casalbuoni, Daniele Dominici and Massimo Mazzoni—all physicists currently working there—have reviewed ...

How to reverse unknown quantum processes

In the world around us, processes appear to follow a certain time-direction: Dandelions eventually turn into blowballs. However, the quantum realm does not play by the same rules. Physicists from the University of Vienna ...

The first lab-created 'quantum abacus'

Do you want to know whether a very large integer is a prime number or not? Or if it is a "lucky number"? A new study by SISSA, carried out in collaboration with the University of Trieste and the University of Saint Andrews, ...

Electrons zip along quantum highways in new material

Researchers at the University of Chicago's Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME) have discovered a new material, MnBi6Te10, which can be used to create quantum highways along which electrons can move. These electron ...

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