Related topics: cern

Stephen Hawking celebrates 70th birthday

British scientist Stephen Hawking celebrated his 70th birthday Sunday, an age many experts never expected the motor neurone disease sufferer to reach.

Book on Richard Feynman nets honors for Arizona State professor

"Quantum Man: Richard Feynman's Life in Science," ASU Foundation Professor and Director of the Origins Project Lawrence M. Krauss' recent book about a legendary and sometimes very public modern physicist, has been chosen ...

On the edge of friction

( -- The problem exists on both a large and a small scale, and it even bothered the ancient Egyptians. However, although physicists have long had a good understanding of friction in things like stone blocks being ...

Scientists excited over hints of finding an elusive particle

Scientists are quivering with anticipation - flying halfway around the world for a close-up view of the action and devouring the latest updates from the blogosphere the way some girls track the doings of Justin Bieber.

LHC to narrow search for Higgs boson

Scientists at the world's largest atom smasher have new data that shows with greater certainty where to find a long-sought theoretical particle that would help explain the origins of the universe.

Flowing along in four dimensions

In 1988, John Cardy asked if there was a c-theorem in four dimensions. At the time, he reasonably expected his work on theories of quantum particles and fields to be professionally put to the test… But it never happened. ...

A 2-dimensional electron liquid solidifies in a magnetic field

Physicists from the Georgia Institute of Technology have developed a theory that describes, in a unified manner, the coexistence of liquid and pinned solid phases of electrons in two dimensions under the influence of a magnetic ...

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