How shape-memory materials remember

X-ray studies and fundamental calculations are helping physicists gain molecular level insight into the workings of some magnetic shape-memory materials, which change shape under the influence magnetic fields.

Bandgap engineering for high-efficiency solar cell design

ZnSnP2, an absorber material for solar cells, transitions from an ordered to a disordered structure at high temperatures. Researchers from University College London and the University of Bath have proposed taking advantage ...

Electrons losing weight

The measured mass of electrons in solids is always larger than the value predicted by theory. The reason for this is that theoretical calculations do not account properly for various interactions with other electrons or lattice ...

Researchers show how to make non-magnetic materials magnetic

A complex process can modify non-magnetic oxide materials in such a way to make them magnetic. The basis for this new phenomenon is controlled layer-by-layer growth of each material. An international research team with researchers ...

New nanoscale imaging method finds application in plasmonics

Researchers from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the University of Maryland have shown how to make nanoscale measurements of critical properties of plasmonic nanomaterials—the specially engineered ...

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