Paralysis promises smart silk technology

( —Oxford University researchers have harnessed the natural defence mechanism of silkworms, which causes paralysis, in what is a major step towards the large-scale production of silks with tailor-made properties.

Flexible polymer opals

A synthetic material which mimics the brightest and most vivid colours in nature, and changes colour when twisted or stretched, has been developed by researchers at the University of Cambridge, and could have important ...

Multi-talented enzyme—produced on large-scale

Papayas are delicious and healthy – and they contain papain, an enzyme that is isolated from the fruit and used in countless industries. They are used for brewing beer, the handling of meat products, the treating of wool ...

Rapunzel, Leonardo and the physics of the ponytail

( -- New research provides the first mathematical understanding of the shape of a ponytail and could have implications for the textile industry, computer animation and personal care products.

Sensing ultraviolet light with the help of molecular switches

The old saying "the dose makes the poison" also holds true for ultraviolet (UV) light. While UV light is essential for vitamin D production, it is also important in phototherapy, several industrial processes, and plant growth. ...

Functional textiles: An alternative to antibiotics

Tuser Biswas conducts research that aims to develop modern medical textiles that are good for both the environment and human health. Textiles with antimicrobial properties could reduce the use of antibiotics. On February ...

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