Transforming fibrils into crystals

An international team of researchers have discovered a new type of transition in protein folding: amyloid crystals formed from amyloid fibrils by a decrease in energy. The crystals are even more stable than the fibrils, which ...

'First arrival' hypothesis in Darwin's finches gets some caveats

Being first in a new ecosystem provides major advantages for pioneering species, but the benefits may depend on just how competitive later-arriving species are. That is among the conclusions in a new study testing the importance ...

Researchers imitate molecular crowding in cells

Enzymes behave differently in a test tube compared with the molecular scrum of a living cell. Chemists from the University of Basel have now been able to simulate these confined natural conditions in artificial vesicles for ...

Nanoparticles that speed blood clotting may someday save lives

Whether severe trauma occurs on the battlefield or the highway, saving lives often comes down to stopping the bleeding as quickly as possible. Many methods for controlling external bleeding exist, but at this point, only ...

New protein-making factory promises better medicines

A Yale research team has created a mutant protein-making factory in bacteria that churns out proteins containing beta-amino acids, molecules not normally found in nature but capable of creating longer-lasting and life-saving ...

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