Dissecting the circadian clock in real time

As our bodies and minds continue to adjust to the recent time change, debates continue around society about whether to make daylight saving time a permanent fixture, eliminate it or stay with the current semi-annual clock ...

Lab discovers new pathway for antimicrobial peptides

Researchers in the Princeton University Department of Chemistry have discovered a new multi-step pathway through which bacteria found in the mammalian gut produce antimicrobial peptides.

'First arrival' hypothesis in Darwin's finches gets some caveats

Being first in a new ecosystem provides major advantages for pioneering species, but the benefits may depend on just how competitive later-arriving species are. That is among the conclusions in a new study testing the importance ...

New class of substances for redox reactions

Redox reactions play an important role in our everyday life. In these reactions, one compound releases electrons and is oxidized, while another accepts electrons and is reduced. Such redox reactions are exploited by living ...

Researchers discover rare phages that attack dormant bacteria

In nature, most bacteria live on the bare minimum. If they experience nutrient deficiency or stress, they shut down their metabolism in a controlled manner and go into a resting state. In this stand-by mode, certain metabolic ...

Gentle chemistry for better and safer protein-drugs

A gentler new chemistry promises cleaner and subsequently far safer pharmaceuticals. The ground-breaking method, developed by a chemistry research group at the University of Copenhagen, has just been published in the internationally ...

New strategy to precisely target subtypes of key protein

Cyclosporine is one of the most common and effective immunosuppressant drugs used to treat chronic diseases like arthritis and psoriasis, but it comes with a risk of serious side effects. Scientists think that may be because ...

How the 'treadmill conveyor belt' ensures proper cell division

Researchers at the Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG) have discovered how proteins work in tandem to regulate "treadmilling," a mechanism used by the network of microtubules inside cells to ensure proper cell division. The ...

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