How researchers solved a decades-old mystery regarding cell volume

A psychedelic movie of stressed cells under a microscope sent a team of kidney physiologists and biologists from the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University on a journey to solve a mystery: How do cells control ...

New strategy to precisely target subtypes of key protein

Cyclosporine is one of the most common and effective immunosuppressant drugs used to treat chronic diseases like arthritis and psoriasis, but it comes with a risk of serious side effects. Scientists think that may be because ...

Female urinary tract lactobaccilli can kill pathogenic bacteria

Lactobacilli that live in the human female urinary tract's microbiome are competitive and kill nearby pathogenic bacteria, according to the first study of its kind by a team led by microbiologist Dr. Tanya Sysoeva of The ...

Decoding a key part of the cell, atom by atom

Whatever you are doing, whether it is driving a car, going for a jog, or even at your laziest, eating chips and watching TV on the couch, there is an entire suite of molecular machinery inside each of your cells hard at work. ...

A new window into the world of attosecond phenomena

They are everywhere, around us and within us. Phenomena lasting trillionths of a second form the core of chemistry and biology. It is only recently that we have begun to try to accurately record their actual course, with ...

DNA design brings predictability to polymer gels

Scientists in Japan have made a tuneable, elastic and temperature-sensitive gel by using complementary DNA strands to connect star-shaped polymer molecules together. The gel, and the method used to develop it, could lead ...

CRISPRing the microbiome is just around the corner

To date, CRISPR enzymes have been used to edit the genomes of one type of cell at a time: They cut, delete or add genes to a specific kind of cell within a tissue or organ, for example, or to one kind of microbe growing in ...

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