'Volumetric' imaging method reveals chemical content

A "chemical imaging" system that uses a special type of laser beam to penetrate deep into tissue might lead to technologies that eliminate the need to draw blood for analyses including drug testing and early detection of ...

Should AI read your college essay? It's complicated

In a new study, researchers developed a series of artificial intelligence tools that can scan through essays in college applications, picking out evidence of key personal traits. That includes qualities like leadership and ...

Signs of burnout can be detected in sweat

EPFL engineers, working in association with startup Xsensio, have developed a wearable system that can continually measure the concentration of cortisol—the stress hormone—in human sweat. Their device can eventually help ...

Humanoid robot that sees and maps

(Phys.org) —Computer vision algorithms that enable Samsung's latest humanoid robot, Roboray, to build real-time 3D visual maps to move around more efficiently have been developed by researchers from the University of Bristol.

How microscopic machines can fail in the blink of an eye

How long can tiny gears and other microscopic moving parts last before they wear out? What are the warning signs that these components are about to fail, which can happen in just a few tenths of a second? Striving to provide ...

Automated drones could scare birds off agricultural fields

In the future, cameras could spot blackbirds feeding on grapes in a vineyard and launch drones to drive off the avian irritants, then return to watch for the next invading flock. All without a human nearby.

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