Study unlocks why decrepit schools mean poor test scores

Social scientists have known for several years that kids enrolled in run-down schools miss more classes and have lower test scores than students at well-maintained schools. But they haven't been able to pin down why.

Too many school students are over-confident

Many recent, large-scale and international studies confirm that there are things outside of a child's natural intelligence that affect their academic performance.

Are elementary school start times too early for young children?

It's rarely easy to get a child out of bed, dressed, fed and off to school, especially when it's still dark outside. Schoolchildren everywhere (their parents too, if they are being honest) groan for "just a little longer" ...

Longer year won't improve Mexico's schools, study finds

( —As Mexico and other Latin American countries wrestle with improving the quality of education for primary school students, economists at the University of California, Riverside have found that extending the length ...

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