Google Maps makes Grand Canyon virtual trek

Google Maps opened a virtual path to the wonders of the Grand Canyon on Thursday by adding panoramic images gathered by hikers with Android-powered camera systems strapped to their backs.

Streaming video over temporary networks

Self-configuring data networks may provide crucial help to emergency and rescue operations in hard-to-access areas. Norwegian researchers are developing software that makes it easier to transmit vital video streams over such ...

Watery science 'jackpot' discovered by Curiosity

The Curiosity rover hit the science "jackpot" and has discovered widespread further evidence of multiple episodes of liquid water flowing over ancient Mars billions of years ago when the planet was warmer and wetter, scientists ...

Mars rover self-portrait shoot uses arm choreography

(—The robotic arm on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity held the rover's Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) camera in more than 50 positions in one day to generate a single scene combining all the images, creating a high-resolution, ...

NASA sees powerful Typhoon Sanba make landfall

Typhoon Sanba made landfall in southern South Korea on Monday, Sept. 17 and was moving northeast bringing heavy rainfall, and gusty winds along its path. Sanba downed trees, and caused power outages, canceled flights and ...

Epic struggle between birds and pigs goes on with a Martian twist

NASA is helping pigs and birds explore the Martian terrain and shed light on the agency's missions to the Red Planet in the latest update to the game Angry Birds Space. Rovio Entertainment, creator of Angry Birds, announced ...

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