NASA sees a 'Zombie' tropical storm kick off Halloween week

NASA's Terra satellite spotted a "zombie" tropical storm as Halloween week kicks off. Tropical Depression 9 made landfall in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula late last week and lingered as a remnant low pressure area on Saturday ...

NASA sees Dorian become a hurricane

NASA's Terra satellite passed over the northwestern Atlantic Ocean as Dorian reached hurricane status during the afternoon of August 28, 2019.

NASA image: Silver Fire, New Mexico

The Silver Fire in southern New Mexico continues to generate a lot of smoke, as seen recently on imagery from NASA's Terra satellite.

NASA gives Hurricane Fernanda a close-up

Hurricane Fernanda is moving through the deep tropics and there's nothing in its way to prevent it from becoming a major hurricane. NASA's Terra satellite took a closer look at the strengthening storm.

Terra Satellite Helps Measure Iceland Volcanic Plume

( -- NASA's Terra satellite flew directly over Iceland on April 19, 2010, allowing its Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instrument to capture a series of images of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano and ...

NASA sees a weaker Tropical Storm Julio far north of Hawaii

Tropical Storm Julio continues to weaken as it moves through cooler waters of the Central Pacific Ocean. NASA's Terra satellite passed over Julio and saw that the bulk of the clouds and precipitation were being pushed to ...

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