Scientists scale terahertz peaks in nanotubes

( —Carbon nanotubes carry plasmonic signals in the terahertz range of the electromagnetic spectrum, but only if they're metallic by nature or doped.

New vacuum power amplifier demonstrated at 0.85 Terahertz

The submillimeter wave, or terahertz, part of the electromagnetic spectrum falls between the frequencies of 0.3 and 3 terahertz, between microwaves and infrared light. Historically, device physics has prevented traditional ...

The world's most powerful terahertz quantum cascade laser

Terahertz radiation has many applications—but high intensity terahertz radiation sources are hard to build. A team of researchers at TU Vienna has now managed to create a new kind of quantum cascade laser with an output ...

Graphene can emit laser flashes

Graphene is considered the jack-of-all-trades of materials science: The two-dimensional honeycomb-shaped lattice made up of carbon atoms is stronger than steel and exhibits extremely high charge carrier mobilities. It is ...

New level for continuous-wave terahertz lasers

Since the first quantum cascade (QC) laser was demonstrated in 1994 and implemented in THz regime in 2002, they have become one of the most important solid state light sources in this frequency range. The metal-metal (MM) ...

Magnetisation controlled at picosecond intervals

A terahertz laser developed at the Paul Scherrer Institute makes it possible to control a material's magnetisation at a timescale of picoseconds. In their experiment, the researchers shone extremely short light pulses from ...

Researchers develop light transistor

TU Vienna has managed to turn the oscillation direction of beams of light – simply by applying an electrical current to a special material. This way, a transistor can be built that functions with light instead of electrical ...

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