The secret behind crystals that shrink when heated

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory have new experimental evidence and a predictive theory that solves a long-standing materials science mystery: why certain crystalline materials ...

How eyeless centipedes are able to detect sunlight

A team of forestry experts at Northeast Forestry University, working with two colleagues from Zhejiang University School of Medicine, has uncovered the means by which the Chinese red-headed centipede is able to detect sunlight ...

Why food sticks to nonstick frying pans

Despite the use of nonstick frying pans, foods will sometimes get stuck to a heated surface, even if oil is used. The results can be very messy and unappetizing.

Why Hasn't Earth Warmed as Much as Expected?

( -- Planet Earth has warmed much less than expected during the industrial era based on current best estimates of Earth's "climate sensitivity" -- the amount of global temperature increase expected in response ...

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