Related topics: chromosomes

Researchers find mechanism that regulates telomeres

The tips of chromosomes have structures called telomeres comparable to the plastic cover at the end of shoelaces. They work as a protective cap that prevents genetic material from unfolding and corroding. When telomeres do ...

Researchers discover key mechanism of DNA replication

Researchers from Osaka University in Japan have uncovered a key control mechanism of DNA replication with potential implications for better understanding how cells maintain genetic information to prevent diseases or cancer.

Young birds suffer in the city

City life is tough for young birds. But if they survive their first year, they are less susceptible to the effects of stress, according to research from Lund University in Sweden.

High food availability slows down cell aging

Hibernation has long been considered the secret behind the relatively long lifespan of the edible dormouse. However, a team of researchers from Vetmeduni Vienna has now shown for the first time that high food availability ...

Urban bird species risk dying prematurely due to stress

Birds of the species Parus Major (great tit) living in an urban environment are at greater risk of dying young than great tits living outside cities. Research results from Lund University in Sweden show that urban great tits ...

Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde: Telomere and telomerase in stem cells

When a human cell divides, its daughter cells should each receive an identical copy of the mother cell's genome. Occasionally mistakes occur during this process, generating mutations that can give rise to cancer. To avoid ...

Role of telomeres in plant stem cells discovered

The role played by telomeres in mammalian cells has been known for several years. It is also known that these non-coding DNA sequences, which are found at the ends of the chromosomes, protect them and are necessary to ensure ...

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