India's telecom auction raises 25% of target

India's government announced on Wednesday it had raised one-quarter of what it expected from an auction of mobile spectrum that telecom industry critics said had been overpriced.

Embraer to team up with Brazil telecoms in space plan

Brazil's leading planemaker Embraer signed a shareholding agreement Tuesday with Telebras, the country's state-owned telecom provider, to set up a joint venture to launch a communications satellite.

Satellite loss deals 'severe blow' to Russia: experts

The loss of a communications satellite touted as Europe's most powerful is a new blow to Russia's space programme and a major setback for its telecoms industry, officials and analysts said Friday.

China Mobile 1H profit rises to $9.6 billion

(AP) -- China Mobile Ltd., the world's biggest phone company by subscribers, said Thursday its first-half profit rose 6.3 percent as sales were boosted by greater usage of mobile Internet devices.

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