China's Huawei responds to US hackers

Chinese communications giant Huawei Technologies on Wednesday responded to US hackers' claims that its routers were easily cracked, saying its security strategies were rigorous.

Hollywood fights online piracy in UK court case

Hollywood film studios launched legal action Tuesday against Britain's biggest Internet service provider in a fight against online piracy, thought to be the first case of its kind in the country.

Apple's iPhone 4 finally comes to India

Apple's iPhone 4 made its debut in India on Friday, nearly a year after the updated model of the handset was launched in the United States, amid growing demand for smartphones.

Softbank reports robust earnings on smartphones

(AP) -- Softbank Corp., the only Japanese mobile carrier offering the hit iPhone, said annual profit nearly doubled despite suffering damage from the March 11 quake and tsunami that battered northeastern Japan.

'Brand China' takes aim at global electronics giants

After decades building its reputation as the go-to country for electronics manufacturers, China's intention to promote its own brands and produce the world's next Sony or Samsung was obvious during a massive telecoms exhibition ...

GE, Vivendi deal paves way for NBC sale to Comcast

(AP) -- General Electric Co.'s agreement to buy out the rest of NBC Universal paves the way for it to sell control of the TV and movie company to Comcast Corp. in a deal that promises to reshape the entertainment industry.

Tech industry braces for more antitrust scrutiny

(AP) -- After eight years of light antitrust scrutiny under a Republican White House, the technology and telecommunications industries are bracing for stepped up oversight by the Obama administration's Justice Department.

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