Past climate change affected mountain building in the Andes

Climate change can affect the tectonic processes that deform Earth's surface to build mountains. For instance, in actively deforming mountain ranges such as the North Patagonian Andes, erosion caused by increased rainfall ...

Geologists discover powerful 'river of rocks' below Caribbean

Geologists have long thought tectonic plates move because they are pulled by the weight of their sinking portions and that an underlying, hot, softer layer called asthenosphere serves as a passive lubricant. But a team of ...

Antarctica's magnetic link to ancient neighbors

For the first time, an international team of scientists has used magnetic data from ESA's Swarm satellite mission together with aeromagnetic data to help reveal the mysteries of the geology hidden beneath Antarctica's kilometers-thick ...

Volcanoes might light up the night sky of this exoplanet

Until now, researchers have found no evidence of global tectonic activity on planets outside our solar system. Under the leadership of the University of Bern and the National Center of Competence in Research NCCR PlanetS, ...

Video: A billion years in 40 seconds

Geoscientists have released a video that for the first time shows the uninterrupted movement of the Earth's tectonic plates over the past billion years.

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