Hydrology controls lithium isotopes in rivers and seawater

Seawater lithium isotopes (δ7Li) record changes over Earth history, including a ~9‰ increase during the Cenozoic, which is interpreted as the reflection of either a change in continental silicate weathering rate or weathering ...

Evidence for glaciation predating MIS-6 in southeastern Tibet

Southeastern Tibet is one of the most glaciated regions on the Tibetan Plateau both at present and during the Quaternary. Numerical dating of glacial deposits has allowed the establishment of a provisional chronology of Quaternary ...

Study: Loss of water in drought caused Sierra Nevada to rise

Loss of water from rocks during drought caused California's Sierra Nevada to rise nearly an inch (2.5 centimeters) in height from October 2011 to October 2015, according to a new NASA study made public Wednesday.

Huge time-lag between erosion and mountain building

An unprecedented record of erosion rates dating back millions of years shows a significant time-lag between tectonic uplift and maximum erosion rates in the Argentine Precordillera mountains. According to a new study by an ...

Ancient birds from North America colonized the South

Scientists studying ancient species migration believe northern birds had the ability to colonise continents that southern species lacked. The research, published in Ecography, reveals how the ancient 'land bridge' of Panama, ...

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