Wikipedia improves students' work

A student writing an essay for their teacher may be tempted to plagiarize or leave facts unchecked. A new study shows that if you ask that same student to write something that will be posted on Wikipedia, he or she suddenly ...

A tracking device that fits on the head of a pin

( -- Optical gyroscopes, also known as rotation sensors, are widely used as a navigational tool in vehicles from ships to airplanes, measuring the rotation rates of a vehicle on three axes to evaluate its exact ...

An alliance formed by design and technology

Designers love state-of-the-art production technologies. This is the story of how a young designer worked with researchers from Fraunhofer to manufacture the Hydra steel tube chair. This chair is not only lightweight, but ...

The growth of 'green IT'

( -- Emerging field helps create a more sustainable future, though information technology itself is part of the problem.

Oil and gas exploration benefit from space technology

( -- A special kind of titanium and a manufacturing technique used to build the Ariane 5 rocket could become the next successful spin-offs from Europe's space programme, benefiting the oil and gas industry.

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