Electricity storage how-to guide available

(Phys.org) —Sandia National Laboratories has released an updated handbook on energy storage, an internationally known resource for utilities, regulators and others interested in electricity storage and power generation.

Pollutant-eating bacteria not so rare

(Phys.org) —Dioxane, a chemical in wide industrial use, has an enemy in naturally occurring bacteria that remove it from the environment. Researchers at Rice University have found that these bacteria are more abundant at ...

The science of sculpture, nano-style

(Phys.org) —The next breakthrough in highly efficient battery technologies and solar cells may very well be nanoscopic crystals of silicon assembled like skyscrapers on wafer-scale substrates. An important route for growth ...

Sensitive bomb detector to rove in search of danger

European researchers have developed and tested a light-weight device capable of detecting extremely minute quantities of explosives from up to 20 metres away, providing an invaluable law-enforcement tool in the fight against ...

Google boosts photo offerings to rival Facebook

Google is digging deeper into its technology toolkit to turn its social networking service into a more formidable threat to Facebook, sprucing up its photo features at a time when sharing snapshots online and on mobile gadgets ...

Time-poor parents go digital to communicate

Teachers are turning to twitter, blogging and Facebook as a way of keeping in touch with parents about their child's learning, and according to QUT education expert Associate Professor Margaret Lloyd it is a trend which is ...

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