Scientists propose data encoding method for the 6G standard

Researchers around the world are working on methods to transfer data in the terahertz (THz) range, which would make it possible to send and receive information more quickly than today's technology. But it is much more difficult ...

VLASS: A survey of the radio sky

Technological advances in recent years have increased the sensitivity of radio interferometers like the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) to the radio emission from astronomical sources in their continuum (not only in ...

Solar energy tracker powers down after 17 years

After nearly two decades, the Sun has set for NASA's SOlar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE), a mission that continued and advanced the agency's 40-year record of measuring solar irradiance and studying its influence ...

Why tourism's future lies in its past

Climate change and carbon footprints, political unrest, global epidemics—what does it all mean for the future of tourism?

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