Multi-drug resistant UTIs—is the answer in our food?

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the world's most common bacterial infections, affecting around 50 per cent of women and five per cent of men. They can present as low-level cystitis or cause debilitating and potentially ...

Dog therapy: What I've learned overseeing 60 canine campus teams

The interaction always played out the same way. I'd leave my office and make my way across campus in search of coffee, my dog Frances by my side, and I would be besieged by students who, for the most part, would ignore me ...

Robot 3-D prints replacement bracket on headlamp

In a world first, Swinburne's Repairbot project has achieved a major milestone, using a robot to successfully 3-D print a replacement lug on an automotive headlamp assembly.

Complex life might require a very narrow habitable zone

Since the Kepler Space Telescope was launched into space, the number of known planets beyond the solar system (exoplanets) has grown exponentially. At present, 3,917 planets have been confirmed in 2,918 star systems, while ...

British investigators drop probes on Rolls-Royce, GSK

Britain's Serious Fraud Office on Friday dropped major investigations into engineering firm Rolls-Royce and pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline in a move condemned by anti-corruption watchdog Transparency International.

Bigger teams aren't always better in science and tech

In today's science and business worlds, it's increasingly common to hear that solving big problems requires a big team. But a new analysis of more than 65 million papers, patents and software projects found that smaller teams ...

Researcher discusses space tourism, the first mission to Mars

In December 2018, Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, visited Boston University to discuss funding opportunities with faculty and researchers. While on campus, he also gave a ...

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