Related topics: students

Real-world programming in the classroom

In undergraduate computer-science classes, homework assignments are usually to write programs, and students are graded on whether the programs do what they're supposed to. Harried professors and teaching assistants can look ...

How teachers can use social media to improve learning this fall

Social media platforms can play an important role for teaching students already hard-wired into the tools and for advancing teacher professional development, says a Michigan State University researcher who wrote the first ...

New crystalline sponge method proposed for undergraduate courses

The crystal sponge technology is a revolutionary technique, which enables the direct and precise determination of the molecular structure of liquid and gas targets. The technique uses a special network complex to selectively ...

MOOC instructors may need more support for successful courses

Supporting instructors of massive open online courses—MOOCs—may be just as important to the creation of long-term, successful courses as attracting and supporting students, according to a group of researchers.

Poor behavior doesn't always lead to poor academics

Despite popular belief, a new study published in the latest issue of the Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions (published by SAGE) finds that students who have poor behavior in the classroom do not always have poor grades.

Physicist uses art to make physics more accessible

Based on research she conducted for her doctoral dissertation several years ago, Jatila van der Veen, a lecturer in the College of Creative Studies at UC Santa Barbara and a research associate in UC Santa Barbara's physics ...

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