Parents, not schools, hold the key to maths success

Parental influence has a far greater impact on a child's attainment in mathematics than any factor related to school environment, a new study published today from the University of Sussex reveals.

No 'silver bullet' for science standards

America's K-12 teachers are not fully prepared to meet a new set of science standards, a Michigan State University education scholar argues in Science.

Online education degrees skyrocket

Virtually unknown a decade ago, big online teacher education programs now dwarf their traditional competitors, outstripping even the largest state university teachers' colleges.

Bad jobs: Why they make some women bad moms

( -- The kind of job a woman has may be just as important as whether she works or not when it comes to the well-being of her child.

Performance pay is a good lesson for education, expert finds

Tuesday, President Barack Obama announced a new education reform, calling for a merit-pay system for teachers in hopes of improving student performance. As the nation's public schools spend $187 billion in salaries, based ...

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