Applying artificial intelligence to science education

A new review published in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching highlights the potential of machine learning—a subset of artificial intelligence—in science education. Although the authors initiated their review ...

ChatGPT: The AI tech that's revolutionizing teaching

As artificial intelligence-powered chatbots edge into the education sector, UniSA experts are encouraging teachers to take an active role in testing and using these cutting-edge tools to maintain a competitive edge in their ...

What's behind the teacher shortage in US schools?

Nancy Latham is the executive director of the Council on Teacher Education and an associate dean in the College of Education at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Latham spoke with News Bureau education editor Sharita ...

Pre-college science programs lead to more science majors

High school students who take part in pre-college programs that focus on science are much more likely to pursue higher education and, eventually, careers in science, technology, engineering and medicine - the STEM disciplines.

Value Of Science Education Examined

The new blueprint for a revamped Elementary and Secondary Education Act -- commonly referred to as the No Child Left Behind Act -- is raising concerns among science and education experts.

Student Rewards Often Ineffective And Unnecessary, Authors Say

( -- It seems so natural to many teachers and parents: give children rewards for doing well in school and that will motivate them to achieve more. Not so fast, according to the authors of a new book on motivating ...

Online education degrees skyrocket

Virtually unknown a decade ago, big online teacher education programs now dwarf their traditional competitors, outstripping even the largest state university teachers' colleges.

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