Netflix shares soar as ranks of viewers surge

Netflix shares jumped 24 percent in after-hours trade on Monday on earnings figures indicating that original programs and other tactics are luring viewers to the streaming Internet video service.

'Seeing' the flavor of foods

The eyes sometimes have it, beating out the tongue, nose and brain in the emotional and biochemical balloting that determines the taste and allure of food, a scientist said here today. Speaking at the 245th National Meeting ...

Fighting back against citrus greening

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists in Fort Pierce, Fla. are helping citrus growers and juice processors address the threat posed by Huanglongbing (HLB), a disease that is costing the citrus industry millions ...

Making whole wheat bread taste and smell more appetizing

The key to giving whole wheat bread a more appetizing aroma and taste may lie in controlling the amounts of a single chemical compound that appears in the bread, which nutritionists regard as more healthful than its refined ...

Getting a Qloo on where to find similar tastes

Trolling the Internet is an obsession for millions. Joy of discovery is often the journey's reward. That's the premise of Qloo (pronounced "clue"), a new website and soon-to-be app for iPhone, iPad and Android devices that ...

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