AI predicts the taste and quality of beer

Belgian scientists have developed AI models that can predict how consumers will rate a particular beer, and what aroma compounds brewers can add to improve it. The research was published in Nature Communications and may revolutionize ...

How insects tell different sugars apart

Whereas humans have one receptor on their tongues that can detect all sorts of sweet things, from real sugar to artificial sweeteners like aspartame, insects have many receptors that each detect specific types of sugars. ...

Scientists 'break the mold' by creating new colors of blue cheese

Experts at the University of Nottingham have discovered how to create different colors of blue cheese. After discovering how the classic blue-green veining is created, a team of experts from the School of Life Sciences, were ...

Vertically farmed greens taste as good as organic ones

Consumer skepticism about the taste of vertically farmed greens is widespread. But the first scientific taste test from the University of Copenhagen and Plant Food & Research, New Zealand, shows that respondents rate greens ...

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