Mexico sets 25 pct pollution cut by 2030 for climate talks

Mexico has become the first developing nation to submit pollutant reduction goals for next fall's Paris climate change talks, pledging to cut greenhouse gas and black carbon emissions 25 percent by 2030.

Water insecurity is 'a drag on the global economy'

A new report shows floods, droughts and a lack of investment in providing good quality, reliable water supplies is dragging down the global economy. The report, published today and entitled 'Securing Water, Sustaining Growth', ...

How cellular machinery labels proteins for degradation

Proteins are molecular work horses in the cell that perform specific tasks, but it is essential that the timing of protein activities is exquisitely controlled. When proteins have fulfilled their tasks, their degradation ...

Rats can estimate their timing accuracy

Thanks to their capacity for introspection, human beings are able to estimate the duration of their actions. When they perform a task—especially a time-based task—they can evaluate their performance and correct themselves ...

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