Thermodynamic properties of hevein

Hevein is a small protein (4.7 kDa) consisting of forty-three amino acid residues. It is the main component of the bottom fraction of rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) latex that has a pronounced antimicrobial activity, thus ...

Computing solutions for biological problems

Producing research outputs that have computational novelty and contributions, as well as biological importance and impacts, is a key motivator for computer scientist Xin Gao. His Group at KAUST has experienced a recent explosion ...

Infrared sensor serves as a new tool for drug discovery

Scientists have found a new method for analysing how active agents affect a specific protein essential for cell survival. Their research could help to quickly develop drugs with fewer side effects.

Polymer antibodies efficiently target and eliminate cancer cells

A joint research team from Russia and the U.K. has demonstrated the possibility of developing a new type of anti-neoplastic drugs based on nanoMIPs, or "plastic antibodies." NanoMIPs are synthetic polymers that can function ...

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