Related topics: frogs

Foster tadpoles trigger parental instinct in poison frogs

Poison frogs, especially male poison frogs, are very caring parents. After the tadpoles hatch, the males piggyback their offspring to distant pools spread around the rainforest where they can feed and develop. In a recent ...

Japanese tadpoles relax in hot springs

Japanese tadpoles can live and grow in natural hots springs, or onsen, with water temperatures as high as 46.1oC (115oF). Living in onsen may benefit the tadpoles' immune systems, speed their growth, and allow the tadpoles ...

The pool frog adapts its growth to Sweden's cold temperatures

Pool frog (Pelophylax lessonae) tadpoles have the amazing ability to grow at different rates depending on changes in temperature. A new study has revealed that this species, which requires relatively warm environments for ...

Indian dancing frog's secretive tadpoles unearthed from sand beds

A new tadpole that burrows through sand has been unearthed from the streambeds in the Western Ghats of India, according to a study published March 30, 2016 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Gayani Senevirathne from the ...

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