Research gives further insight into graphene-based electronics

Imagine a tablet device as thin as a piece of paper, folded conveniently in your pocket. Or a 3D TV that wraps around the walls of an entire room in your home. With applications that are nothing short of science fiction, ...

Parrot launching smartphone-controlled drones

Wireless products maker Parrot unveiled a drone Sunday aimed squarely at smartphone or tablet owners keen on getting bird's eye views of the world.

Personal touch signature makes mobile devices more secure

Passwords, gestures and fingerprint scans are all helpful ways to keep a thief from unlocking and using a cell phone or tablet. Cybersecurity researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology have gone a step further. ...

Review: 'Mega' phone is huge, with limited appeal

Please turn off all electronic devices, the flight crew instructs as we approach Los Angeles. With a small phone, I might have gotten away with ignoring safety regulations. Samsung's new Galaxy Mega phone was too conspicuous ...

Microsoft to buy Nokia phones, patents for $7.2B

Microsoft Corp. is buying Nokia Corp.'s line-up of smartphones and a portfolio of patents and services in an attempt to mount a more formidable challenge to Apple Inc. and Google Inc. as more technological tasks get done ...

Windows 8.1 set for October 18 release

A tweaked version of Microsoft's Windows operating system which restores the "Start" button missed by users and updates other features will be available on October 18, the company said Wednesday.

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