E-readers, tablet computers set to take off: BCG survey

Consumers worlwide are very interested in tablet computers like Apple's iPad and electronic readers such as Amazon's Kindle, and sales of the devices could take off when prices drop, according to a new survey.

Move aside, PCs, here come the tablets

My mom is anything but a technophile. Even though she and my dad have had a computer for more than 25 years, she's still intimidated by them, worrying she might break or delete something by pushing the wrong button or clicking ...

PC sales to grow 20 percent in 2010: Gartner

Worldwide sales of personal computers are expected to grow nearly 20 percent this year over 2009, with laptops driving new sales, research group Gartner said on Thursday.

Tablets, smartbooks aim to fill PC-phone gap

(AP) -- If you've got a car and a bicycle, do you need a motorcycle too? Wireless carriers are betting that you do. They're making a big push this year for the motorcycles of the gadget world: devices that are bigger than ...

Tablet computer market to boom: Deloitte

Industry tracker Deloitte predicts the tablet computer market will boom this year with tens of millions of people deciding the notepad-sized devices are "just right" for their needs.

Apple tablet computer may ship in March: WSJ

Apple Inc. plans to unveil a long-awaited tablet computer this month which may begin to ship in March, The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday.

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